HAEMATURIA: means the presence of blood in urine.


Macroscopic haematuria: which means the patient has seen blood.

Microscopic dipstick haematuria : means blood identified by urine microscopy or by dipstick testing either in association with other urological symptoms (symptomatic microscopic haematuria) or during a routine medical examination.

It has been variably defined as 3 or more , 5 or more or 10 or more Red Blood Cells (RBCs) per high- power field.

Urological and other Causes of Haematuria-


Cancer: Bladder, Kidney and Prostate Cancer

Stones: Kidney, Ureteric,

Bladder Infections: Bacterial tuberculosis, infective urethritis Inflammation

Interstitial Cystitis Trauma : Kidney, bladder, urethra, pelvic fracture causing urethral rupture

Renal cystic disease: (e.g. medullary sponge kidney)

Other urological causes: Benign prostatic hyperplasia, vascular malformations

Other medical causes of haematuria: anticoagulation therapy (e.g. asprin, antiplatelet therapy) Nephrological Causes: more likely in children and young adults, proteinuria; red blood cell casts.

Urological investigations: Urine culture, urine cytologycystoscopy, renal ultrasonography and intravenous Urography and CT Urography.

Management of haematuria depends on the cause as determined by the urologist.